
Associação 101010 Portugal

Associação 101010 Portugal is the legal entity responsible for 42 in Portugal. It is a non profit entity that has the mission of promoting the education and technological development, professional training, social inclusion and development of skills, to create opportunities for insertion on the job market.

Associação 101010 is an Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS), recognized as such since November 4th 2020 by Direção Geral da Educação.

There are 21 associate members of Associação 101010 Portugal, among which the management team of the school and a set of individual people from various fields of society that believe in the disruptive and inclusive model of 42 and are willing to contribute to it. The associate members gather every semester in General Assembly.

Afonso Eça
Ana Conduto
António Viana Baptista
Belén de Vicente
Diogo da Silveira
Duarte Vasconcelos
Filipa Caldeira
Francisco Martins
Joana Seixas
Mafalda Furtado de Mendonça
Mafalda Sousa Guedes
Manuela Calhau
Miguel Lucas
Miguel Muñoz Duarte
Paula Carioca
Paulo Rodrigues da Silva
Pedro Santa Clara
Raúl Galamba de Oliveira
Ricardo Marvão
Teresa Burnay
Teresa Moreira
Financial Statements
General Assembly